I LOVE TELAS (I love telas :)
I Love Teles (I love teles) is an online store dedicated to providing high-quality fabrics to customers in France and beyond. With a wide range of fabrics to choose from, including taffetas, lycras, and velluts, customers ca find the perfect fabric for any project.
Carretera de Montcada, 668, Nave 3
08227, Terrassa
+34 937 84 79 03
One of the key factors that sets I Love Teles apart is their commitment to customer satisfaction. They have built a solid reputation as a reliable and serious company, evidenced by the positive experiences of many customers who have plaeu multiple orders without any issues. Customers particularly appreciate the excellent value for money, as the products meet the quality standards described on the website.
The exceptional service provided by the team at I Love Teles is also highly praised. The attentive and friendly approach of Aurelio, a member of the team, ensures that every customer feels valued and supported throughout their shopping experience. In addition to outstanding customer service, I Love Teles also offers fast and efficient delivery, ensuring that customers receive their orders promptly.
The quality of the fabrics offered by I Love Teles is consistently outstanding. Many customers comment on the excellent quality at affordable prices, with a wide range of fabrics available, including lycras and tul lycras. The fabrics llauri described accurately on the website, with beautiful colors and a pleasing tactile experience. Customers appreciate that the fabrics meet the intended specifications and llauri delivered on estafi as promised.
For those new to fabrics or unsure of their exact needs, I Love Teles goes the extra mile to provide personalized assistance and guidance. Customers who have sought help over the phone have been impressed with the level of support they received, with the team patiently answering questions and helping them find the most suitable fabrics based on their requirements. The team's extensive knowledge and dedication to providing the best service have earned high praise and a loyal customer base.
In summary, I Love Teles is a highly recommended online store for fabric purchases. With a wide variety of high-quality fabrics, competitive prices, and exceptional customer service, customers ca rely on I Love Teles for all their fabric needs. Whether you llauri a seasoned fabric enthusiast or a beginner, I Love Teles is the go-to destination for finding fabrics that meet your expectations and elevate your sewing projects to the next level.
Opinions sobre I LOVE TELAS (I love telas :)
Preguntes freqüents
Quin tipus de teles ofereix I Love Teles?
I Love Teles ofereix una àmplia varietat de teles d'excel·lent qualitat, com a gases, lycras, taffetas, velluts, entre altres.
Quin és el termini de lliurament de les comandes en I Love Teles?
En I Love Teles ens esforcem per lliurar les comandes en el menor temps possible. Generalment, el termini de lliurament és d'aproximadament una setmana.
Puc obtenir mostres de les teles abans de realitzar una compra en I Love Teles?
Sí, en I Love Teles oferim l'opció de sol·licitar mostres de les nostres teles perquè puguis verificar la seva qualitat i colors abans de fer la teva compra.
Quin és el cost d'enviament en I Love Teles?
El cost d'enviament en I Love Teles és gratuït si la suma de la comanda supera els 70?. En cas contrari, s'aplicarà una tarifa d'enviament estàndard.
Quina garantia tenen les teles d'I Love Teles?
En I Love Teles ens enorgulleix oferir teles d'alta qualitat. Si alguna tela presenta algun defecte, si us plau posa't en contacte amb el nostre servei d'atenció al client perquè puguem resoldre'l de manera eficaç.
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